Thursday, June 2, 2011

Final Challenge

The Problem: Bikes take up a lot of space and we need to design something that will allow you to lock your bike in your house without taking up that much space.

Brainstorm: A ring that can suction to the wall

A hook on the cieling so you can store the bike on the ceiling
A heavy concrete block with a ring on it

Criteria: Easy to assemble, Stores a bike, Small

Constraints: No permanent damage, Has to be small


Approach: I decided to use the concrete block idea because it is very secure

Finished product:

4 quadrant feedback:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Glider Challenge

1) What's the challenge? - the challenge that were were given was to design a glider that flies the farthest and has the most hangtime. 2) Brainstorm solutions: -What are the rules of brainstorming? (oxymoron) - my group and i needed to keep in mind that we are gunna have a list of material that we have. -List your ideas - build a plane designed for gliding not speed -Sketch at least two of them 3) Specify: -Criteria - the glider should fly - have fair amout of hang time -Constraints (be specific about materials available) - we were to be givin 5 pieces of very thin balsa wood and a 2 by 2 piece of tissue paper to construct our wings. 4) Develop Solutions: -Sketch (with labels) -Model in CAD 3) Your Glider Challenge: Test Phase notes. 4) Your Glider Challenge competition day results. How did your glider perform? What would you change if we competed again? - our glider won the loingest distance challenge, but preformd poorly when we attempted to get the acheivment of longest hangtime. if we were to rredesign the plane we would take of weight on the nose and widen the wings to increase hangtime.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Egg Drop Challenge - Iteration #1

Total Number of Achievements Earned:23


    Create a sketch of three possible solutions (three achievements)

    Material Prep:

    • Generate a list of materials (1 achievement)

    • Document a plan (1 achievment)

    Build Achievements:

    • Material fit inside a shoe box (two achievements) Materials fit inside but not after being built

    Material Weight:

    • Materials way less than 100 grams (5 achievements) It weighed 79 grams

    Drop Accuracy:

    • Hit inside the third ring (2 achievements) Second try

    Egg Resilience:

    • Egg didnt break in any way (3 achievements)

    • Your egg cracked but was still together (1 achievement)

    • The egg cracked but the yolk stayed intact and inside (1 avhievement)

    • The egg broke but the yolk remained intact (1achievement)

    Calculations achievements:

    • Describe an aspect of the event using arithmetic (1 achievement)

    • Describe an aspect of the event using geometry (1 achievement)

    • Describe an aspect of the event using algebra (1 achievement)

    Communicate Results:

    • none

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    TED pt I - Ideas worth Spreading?

    • TED is a nonprofit organization that has talks about lots of different topics. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. TED also has conferences in the US every spring.
    • The purpose of TED is to "spread ideas worth spreading". The site has lots of videos in different topics. The site is really functional because the videos are put into categories.
    • I think the two most relevant topics to our class are technology and science. Both these topics have a lot to do with engineering. The other category that is kind of relevant to our class is design, because our class is called engineering design.
    • The video "reengineering the brain" has a lot to do with engineering. The video "i built a toaster from scratch" has a lot to do with are class because a big part of engineering is building things. "Using nature's genius in architecture" has a lot to do with our visual design elements and principles.
    • This talk is about reengineering the brain to do certain things. He shows how the brain works and how different things effect your decisions and the way you think.
    • The fields that would have things to do with this talk are biotechnology and neurology. If i wanted to get into this field i would need to take a lot of biology and some psycology. I would probably have to major in neuro science in college if i wanted to pursue a job in this field.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanicnal Product - Functional Analysis

    1. What is the purpose or primary function of the object?

    The primary function of the calculator is to do math.

    2. Make an educated guess as to how this product operates. Use simple machines’ terminology to explain the object’s sequential operation.

    When you press the buttons the corresponding character shows up on the screen. When you input an equation inot the computer the calculator uses guess and check to get the answer.

    3. Identify the system inputs, intended product function, and outputs. Use power point to create a "black box" graphic like the toothbrush example discussed in class. Save the slide as a .jpg image and post it to answer this question.

    4. What mechanical components are visible?

    The buttons are the only mechanical components.

    5. What is it about this device’s function that you cannot identify, because the mechanical components are hidden from plain view?

    I cannot identify how the electrical stuff works. All i know is that the buttons are connected to wires that make different characters show up on the screen.

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Reverse Engineering: Mechanical Product - Visual Analysis

    TI-89 Calculator


    Analysis: The calculator uses lots of curved lines. The bottom half of the buttons have vertical symmetry. It has a smooth texture. Different colored buttons are colored for emphasis because they are important buttons.

    Functional: The calculator is used to do mathematical equations. The buttons are used to type in different characters and symbols. The screen shows what you are inputting into the computer.

    Audience: The target audience for this product is students in advanced mathematics classes. It can do simple things too, but there is no point in buying the calculator unless you need to use it for advanced mathematics.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Carinival Splendor

    What was the nature of the problem the ship experienced?

    The ship had a fire in the engine room, cutting of all electricity. Something called a crankcase split open, causing the fire.

    What repairs were required?

    They had to repair the engine. They also had to fix all the fire damage.

    What impact did the unexpected arrival of the cruise ship have on the local economy?

    The ship hurt Long Beach's economy. Carnival cruise lines spend about $45 million in Long Beach every year. Because the ship will not be sailing, the company will not be spending as much money.

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Graphic Design: What's Going On In This Design?

    My advertisement came from a magazine called Fast Company. It is an ad for the Ford Tauros.


    • Message content- It has all the technical aspects on top in a kind of label cloud. I think that's a really good way to show everything. It has a picture of the car. On the bottom left there is one of those "sac tag" things, which allow you to learn more about the car on your phone if youre interested.

    • Size and Shape- All the most interesting things are written in bigger font. All the restrictions and explanations for asterisks are written in eally small font at the bottom. The name of the car is written in really big font and it's in bold.

    • Readability- Everything is in the same font, so it's very easy to read. It is written in san sarif font.

    • Audience- Usually the Ford Tauros is just the basic sedan for Ford. This ad is advertising the Tauros SHO, which is more of a luxury car. Because of this the ad is more directed to young males.

    • Design Principles and Elements- The colors are contrasting. The car is red, which is a warm color, but the background is grey, which is a cold color. It is really open, with not that much text. There is a lot of emphasis on the car, which is caused by the contrasting colors.


    1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design?

    Trends are what people are into at the time. It is important to identify them because if you make your ad trendy more people will look at it.

    2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?

    It is human nature to want the best of everything. Ads always try to make their product seem like it's the best.

    3. How is a potential audience identified?

    Potential audiences are found out usually by surveys. The company tries to find out what kind of people want their product.

    4. What must you dicover about the target audience prior to graphic design?

    You must discover what they like and what they think is cool. If you do that and base your ad around thee ideas the target audience will really like it.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Visual Design Elements

    • LINE

    • COLOR


    • SPACE


    • VALUE

    Visual Design Principles


    • RHYTHM



    • UNITY

    Beds utilize lines, balance, and shape.

    Skateboards use symmetry, color, lines, and usually emphasis

    Pencils use color, symmetry, and rhythm

    Tiled floors use, rhythm, lines, and texture

    Staircases use lines, balance, rhythm, proportion, and scale

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    2.4.1 Desk Organizer

    The goal of activity 2.4.1 was to pick a challenge from a list. Me and Andre Olson decided to do the desk organizer. The desk organizer challenge was to design something that would organize papers, staplers, and other things. We chose to do the organizer because it wasn't too hard and it wasn't too easy. We tried to pick a well rounded one. This project had a lot to do with steps 1, 2, and 4 in the 12 step design process. We had to define a problem, brainstorm, and then identify criterea and constraints. We still nedd to finish the brochure. Ill upload it to my blog when we're finished.

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Challenger Disaster

    The Challenger blew up as it was leaving Earth. It blew up due to a failure that caused hot gas to hit the fuel tank. Something called an O ring failed which caused a joint to become unsealed. Hot gas leaked out of the joint into the external fuel tank, causing it to explode. The main thing that caused this was the extremely low temperature. The cold caused the O ring to fail. NASA had to raise the minimum temperature for launch because of it. After the disaster, NASA grounded the space shuttle project for three years.

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    Content is King

    I have a passion for skateboarding. There isn't a lot of blogging in skateboarding, but there is some. I actually only know of one skateboarding blog, which is There are videos and poles and just random stuff on it. It's the blog for Lakai, Girl, Royal, Chocolate, and 4 star. Theyre are all skateboarding companies that are made by the same distributor. If i got into marketing or something then maybe i could use a blog to help my sales. Same for if i became a realtor.

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    Tennis Ball Game

    The challenge of this game was to have everybody touch the ball as quickly as possible. At the beginning, that was the only criterea. Later in the game though, we added more criterea and consraints. After the first game, only one person could touch it at a time. After that, we had to be arms length apart. The last constraint was having to have our eyes closed.

    For the first and second rounds of the game, my team did a kind of funnel with our hands. The only difference was we only used one hand for each person during the second round. For the round where we had to be arms length away, we tossed the ball to every other person, which worked out because we had an odd number of people. The last round we had to have our eyes closed. We had one person in the middle and spuna round touching everyone's hands.

    We lost the first round, because our funnel took to long. During the second round the funnel idea worked, because we only used one hand per person and it really cut down on the time it took for the ball to touch every person. The third round we took to long and lost, so our idea didnt really work out. The last round was really close, but we lost. we lost by like a second.

    If we did this again, I'd use the funnel idea a lot more, because it was really effective. It would work for almost evry round except for the eyes closed one. For the eyes closed round I'd do the same thing but put a faster person in the middle.

    If we did this again I'd probably revise our strategy during the arms length apart round. It took really long and didnt work very well.

    Survival at Sea Game

    In this activity we were given a list of fifteen items and rank them according to how important they would be in a survival situation. I said that the water and the army rations would be the most important because the are extremely important in survival and you cant live long without them. I put the can of shark repellent as the bottom choice because it cannot really help you with survival or rescue. The transistor radio was hard to place because a radio is a good thing to have, but you can only listen on a transistor radio, so it loses much of its use.

    My team agreed that food and water should be the top two priorities for the same reasons. In addition to that, the team also put shark repellent as the very last item. One thing that my team and I ranked very differently was a sextant. I put it as the fourth highest, but my team ranked it tenth highest. A sextant is virtually useless without star charts, and i didn't think about that when i ranked it so i agreed with my team on it. Our group worked together by voting for things, and exchanging ideas.

    A lot of the expert rankings were very different from what the whole class thought. They put the shaving mirror as number one on the list. Their list was more in favor of being rescued than surviving though, and most of the class was thinking of survival more. They ranked shark repellent far higher than my team did. Also they ranked the chocolate bars near the middle, and my team ranked them very near the bottom. I think the expert rankings were based on being rescued, and my teams ranking were based on survival, so we cant really compare them.